

When Cerebral Palsy (CP) became part of our family’s life, it is safe to say we felt many emotions.  Fear, worry, stress, guilt and loneliness, just to name a few.  We were not familiar with CP and had no clue what it meant to have a child with a disability.

Next, we invested time and energy into learning and connecting with others who are part of the CP community, specifically parents and caregivers.  We learned about therapy treatments to potential struggles to surgical procedures to how people with CP have thrived.  We realized CP may be part of Evie’s journey, but it will never be who she is!

“Keeping Up With Evie” was created for the purpose of sharing Evie’s Cerebral Palsy and Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy (SDR) journey.  Our hope is that others will learn from us and realize they are truly not alone.  At the end of the day parenting is hard and parents of disabled children face different circumstances.  The important thing to remember is that there is ALWAYS someone out there who can relate!

We continue to learn and grow on this journey as a parents of a child with CP.  Additionally, we strive to make everyday an opportunity to educate ourselves and others about CP and further understand the challenges facing the disabled community.  We also want to celebrate all the exciting things happening in the community and feel grateful for all the amazing connections we have made over the years.

Thank you for visiting and please follow our blog to keep up with our journey and other exciting posts!